Here we move again...
I thought last year I moved may website for the last time. Apparently no. This time I've even moved it to an entirely different CMS. Reason? There's a whole list of reasons. First and the most important is definitely speed. I know my website was fast with an average response time about 200 ms. However, that was only because I've been using all kinds of cache. With 'System - Cache' plugin disabled, response time jumped to 4 s. I know I could've disabled all unnecessary extensions and do some optimisation of the remaining ones. Yes, I could. I could also write every single non-core extension from scratch to get optimal performance (side note: why aren't the core extensions part of the core? If CMS is useless without certain extensions, they should be integrated!)
This brings up another problem: customisation. Joomla! is really strict at telling you what you can and can't do. For example, you can't put modules inside the main content, which is really a shame since many nice extensions only come in form of modules. I could write them on my own, if I didn't have to write a whole back end and database connector just to display a simple FAQ. It's always the same - either Joomla! won't let me do it, or it will take whole lot of code even for a simple task.
It's not entirely Joomla!'s fault. I've been using it since version 1.1, and there's been a lot of progress. Unfortunately this has a huge downside as well: standardized JavaScript Frameworks were introduced in Joomla 3, before that extensions had to rely on own JavaScript libraries, and most extensions with Joomla! 2.5 support still rely on them. This makes it really hard to tell if another extension has already loaded required libraries or no, and there can be some serious problems if two extensions load different versions of the same library.
And now the questions you've all been asking while reading this page: What about Videobox? As you can see on the Music page I've aready adapted it for this CMS so I obviously don't plan to abandon it. I'm taking it off from Joomla! Extension Directory for now. Next I plan to do a full port to MODX including documentation and adapters, and then I'll prepare a new Joomla! version. For now I can only tell that the new Joomla! version of Videobox will be available just for Joomla! 3. I'll give you more updates about it as I get there.