Videobox adapters
Therion - Symphony No. 9
Video format
- 11 characters YouTube video ID (XfSfK8AkGVo)
- YouTube sharing link (
- link to the video (
Supported parameters
start & end time | hh:mm:ss-hh:mm:ss; time at which the video starts / stops playing |
The Ventures - Beethoven 5-O
Video format
- numeric Vimeo video ID (51770264)
- link to the video (
Supported parameters
start time | hh:mm:ss; time at which the video starts playing |
&color | #XXXXXX; player colour |
Video format
- link to the song (
Supported parameters
&scVisual | boolean; turn visual player on (better for larger player) or off (better for small player) |
&color | #XXXXXX; player colour |
Video format
- video path (files/videos/Oceans clip.mp4)
Supported parameters
start & end time | hh:mm:ss-hh:mm:ss; time at which the video starts / stops playing |
&h5Convert | boolean; if enabled, Videobox will try to convert local videos to HTML5 supported formats (requires avconv, and files in components/videobox/scripts/ have to be set as executable) |
Video format
- link to a Twitch channel (
- link to a Twitch video (
Supported parameters
start time | hh:mm:ss; time at which the video starts playing |
&channelImage | string; which image to use as a profile thumbnail - logo, profile_banner, or video_banner |