Videobox documentation
&pWidth | number; maximum player width (in pixels), width to height ratio is maintained on smaller screens |
&pHeight | number; maximum player height (in pixels), width to height ratio is maintained on smaller screens |
&tWidth | number; maximum thumbnail width (in pixels) |
&tHeight | number; maximum thumbnail height (in pixels) |
&display | string; how videos are displayed (player, box, links, gallery, or slider) The actual display method depends on the number of videos (single / multiple) |
&player | string; player effect (videobox or vbinline), used when the player isn't inserted directly |
&color | #XXXXXX; player colour Not all players support this |
&tColor | #XXXXXX; main UI colour |
&hColor | #XXXXXX; hover UI colour |
&playerTpl | string; template for the direct player (should contain an iframe with the video) |
&linkTpl | string; basic link template (singe <a> element) |
&thumbTpl | string; basic thumbnail template (should contain an <a> element and an image) |
&boxTpl | string; inline wrapper for the thumb |
&galleryItemTpl | string; wrapper for the thumb (list item) |
&galleryTpl | string; wrapper for the gallery items (list) |
&sliderItemTpl | string; wrapper for the thumb (list item) |
&sliderTpl | string; wrapper for the slider items (list) |