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Videobox documentation


&pWidth number; maximum player width (in pixels), width to height ratio is maintained on smaller screens
&pHeight number; maximum player height (in pixels), width to height ratio is maintained on smaller screens
&tWidth number; maximum thumbnail width (in pixels)
&tHeight number; maximum thumbnail height (in pixels)
&display string; how videos are displayed (player, box, links, gallery, or slider)
The actual display method depends on the number of videos (single / multiple)
&player string; player effect (videobox or vbinline), used when the player isn't inserted directly
&color #XXXXXX; player colour
Not all players support this
&tColor #XXXXXX; main UI colour
&hColor #XXXXXX; hover UI colour


&playerTpl string; template for the direct player (should contain an iframe with the video)
&linkTpl string; basic link template (singe <a> element)
&thumbTpl string; basic thumbnail template (should contain an <a> element and an image)
&boxTpl string; inline wrapper for the thumb
&galleryItemTpl string; wrapper for the thumb (list item)
&galleryTpl string; wrapper for the gallery items (list)
&sliderItemTpl string; wrapper for the thumb (list item)
&sliderTpl string; wrapper for the slider items (list)

Template tags

All template tags have to be placed inside the square brackets in order to render them.

+link string; player url, returned by the adapter
+rel string; either videobox or vbinline, should be placed inside a rel attribute to specify which player effect tot use
+title string; video title
+vbOptions string; entity-encoded JSON string containing the player size, and CSS class and style for the player
+tWidth number; actual thumbnail image width
+tHeight number; actual thumbnail image height
+ratio number; width/height ratio of this thumbnail image comapred to base (used by the flexbox)
+basis number; base width of this thumbnail image (used by the flexbox)
+thumb string; thumbnail image url
+content string; contains the wrapper content (such as gallery thumbnails in the case of &galleryTpl)
+move string; single or all, used to specify the slider behaviour

Most configuration items and params you add to the plugin tag get passed down to the template parser as well, which means you can add &yourCustomParameter=`value` to the Videobox tag, and use +yourCustomParameter inside the template to render its value.
